Warm weather has arrived here in the valley, and the rain clouds appear to be breaking. The sun is out and you can almost see the grass growing before your eyes! Keeping your property mowed and well-maintained makes your place look better, improves your property value, and decreases fire danger. If you have a some acreage to maintain, a good setup for mowing is essential! But what kind of mower should you get?
Rotary mowers, sometimes called "brush hogs" are perhaps the most common type of tractor mower. They are simple and effective for chopping down your tall grass, weeds, and light brush.
Another option for mowing your acreage is a flail mower. Flail mowers are better suited for chewing the grass into finer bits, leaving less debris behind and producing a more groomed appearance in your field or orchard.
Finally, you might want to consider a finish mowers which is more comparable to your typical lawn mower style deck. These are rear 3-pt mount and PTO-driven and create the smoothest cut for your grass, though a finish mower is not a great solution where very tall or heavy mowing is required.
If you're not sure what type of mower is best for your specific property and application, please call us at Dave's Tractor and we'll be happy to visit with you about your options! 530-528-0755